Environmental Consulting Services
We are a Scottish based SME providing independent and objective environmental planning, sustainability and climate change services.
Project Planning & Consenting
Consent strategies
Project leadership
Development planning issues
Site constraints and feasibility analysis
Document review / audit
PLI preparation
Discharging planning and consent conditions
Stakeholder engagement
Capabilities and Services
Sectoral Experience
Renewable Energy
Electricity Transmission
Transport Infrastructure
Sustainable Transport
Land Use Planning
Rural Development
Flood Management
"Whitelee Wind Farm" by Ian D is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.
Environmental Assessment
Expertise in leading, undertaking, reviewing and implementing statutory and non-statutory environmental assessment.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Statutory EIA & EIA legislation
EIA direction and management
EIA in the project consent process
Environmental Statement (ES) and EIA Report review, audit and critique/challenge
Mitigation strategies
Cumulative environmental effects assessment
Environmental management plans (EMP)
Sustainability Appraisal
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA)
Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA)
Strategies, programmes and plans
Policy apprasial
Project permitting and environmental consents
Integrating EIA into consenting strategy
EIA / SEA Training
Technical review and advice to project teams
Consultation and stakeholder engagement
Climate change management
Consenting and Advisory
Sustainable Resource Management
Sustainable approaches to resource management, Net Zero emissions and nature recovery for projects, plans and organisations
Typical Services
Climate mitigation and adaptation
Greenhouse gas (GHG) / carbon emissions assessment
Climate and Net Zero strategies
Climate adaptation planning and appraisal
Legislation and policy tracking
Policy, strategy and regulatory advice
Nature recovery strategy and BNG
Waste and resources planning
Circular economy strategies
Natural Capital assessment
Wider Offerings
Environmental training and capacity building
Community projects
SME collaboration
Blogging, editorial/content creation for websites, periodicals, newsletters etc
Bid and funding application support writing
STEM support